HIMSS22 Recap

by | Mar 22, 2022 | Blog

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#HIMSS22 is officially over, and CareAlign had such a great time in Orlando! Here is a recap of the week for the CareAlign team members that attended the conference. 

One of the highlights of the conference was getting to see other people in person. Our remote team members got to meet up, and they got to connect (and dance!) with many others throughout the healthcare and health tech world. See some of their pictures below:


Subha and James at HIMSS

CareAlign at HIMSS

CareAlign joined our partners Ellkay at their booth in the HIMSS exhibition. 


Subha with Janae Sharp. Stay tuned for their latest project collaboration, coming soon!

Pink Socks at HIMSS

James joins the #pinksocks tribe. Also pictured: Subha, Nick Adkins, and John Manning MD, FAMIA, FACEP

While the conference was not as big as pre-pandemic, there were still a lot of people, and events were highly attended. People were very open to meeting and the exhibit floor was packed until close even when there were multiple social events occurring at the same time.

Another note is that CHIME was supposed to be part of HIMSS, but instead they partnered with HLTH and ran ViVE a week earlier. Will HIMSS go back to its typical audience, or will smaller, more specialized events take over? (As a note, team members from CareAlign attended both conferences and thought they were both awesome!). 

HIMSS focused on a lot of cutting edge therapeutics, diagnostics, digital imaging, and patient-facing apps, which are all great. However, our team on the ground noticed there was not a lot of talk on clinician workflow. As an advocate for making things easier for clinicians, Dr. Airan-Javia talks about the lack of clinician focused technology in a quick interview with Colin Hung of Healthcare IT Today. She notes that there is a lot of talk – but not a lot of action – for improving healthcare worker wellness. You can view the video here. 

Overall, HIMSS22 was great, and we can’t wait for next year! 

Didn’t get a chance to chat with CareAlign at HIMSS? We will be at four events in April: SGIM, SHM Converge (Booth #808) , AMIA Academic Internal Medicine Week (Booth #722), and in the Tech Hub (#2230) at Internal Medicine Meeting 2022. We hope to see you there! 

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