Sharp Conversations with Lee Buttz, MD, MBA

Sharp Conversations with Lee Buttz, MD, MBA

Share this article! This Sharp Conversation was with Lee Buttz, MD, MBA, the Chief Medical Officer at Tandigm Health. In this video, Dr. Buttz discusses a wide range of topics, including his start in Army Medicine, reducing the administrative burden, the role tech...
How to Make Data Usable

How to Make Data Usable

Share this article! We have all this data, but what do we do with it?  Interoperability is, and has been, a buzzword since EHRs became more common in clinical settings. Interoperability is important for providing the best care not only for individuals, but it also has...
4 Strategies to Retain Nurses

4 Strategies to Retain Nurses

Share this article! Nurses are quitting in droves. According to research by McKinsey in November 2021,  32% of RNs in the US said they may leave their current direct patient care role. Of those looking to leave, only 29% plan to stay in a direct care role, which may...
Clinician Mental Health in 2022

Clinician Mental Health in 2022

Share this article! Many people have been struggling with mental health problems since the pandemic began, but clinicians face unique challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic, workplace violence, ever-increasing work demands, failing systems, financial stress, and more take...