Clinician Burnout and Health Tech

Clinician Burnout and Health Tech

Share this article! You’ve probably heard it by now: clinician burnout is at crisis levels, severely impacting clinicians’ mental health and causing many to leave healthcare. There are lots of shocking numbers around burnout. A 2021 survey found that 61% of physicians...
Making SDOH Measures Impactful (Part 2)

Making SDOH Measures Impactful (Part 2)

Share this article! In a previous blog post, we discussed CMS’ proposal that would add three measures to the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program for Fiscal Year 2023 to address health equity. Two of the measures focus on screening and identifying individual...
Making SDOH Measures Impactful (Part 1)

Making SDOH Measures Impactful (Part 1)

Share this article! CMS has proposed adding three measures to the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program for Fiscal Year 2023 to address health equity. Two of the measures focus on screening and identifying individual social needs that impact health, in an...
Reducing EHR Burden in Primary Care

Reducing EHR Burden in Primary Care

Share this article! EHRs cause a lot of stress for primary care clinicians. One reason for this stress is the sheer amount of time that these clinicians spend on their EHRs. A study of family medicine physicians using Epic EHRs found that physicians spent over 2.5...